(1). 下载head插件

git clone https://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head.git

(2). 安装grunt

npm install -g grunt-cli

(3). 编译head

cd  elasticsearch-head
npm install

(4). Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near

Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near ‘…CGsOGUiu9\nmdUUNwK3IF’

# 清除缓存
npm cache clean --force
# 禁用淘宝仓库
npm set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

(5). 修改ES配置文件,支持跨域请求


# 是否支持跨域
http.cors.enabled: true

# *表示支持所有域名
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

(6). 启动head插件

npm run start

(7). 访问(http://localhost:9100/)

"Head UI"

"Head 添加索引库"